Content starts here Getting the Most from the ALDSP Eclipse Framework
This page last changed on Mar 11, 2008.

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Getting the Most from the Studio Eclipse Plugin Framework

ALDSP dataspaces are initially created as projects in the Studio Eclipse plugin framework. The Eclipse IDE is a rich, open development environment.

While some aspects of Eclipse are described in this section, no attempt is made to replicate the large body of documentation available for Eclipse developers.


Data Services Studio 

Version 3.2
Data Services Studio has become part of Workspace Studio 1.1. The term Studio refers to both versions unless otherwise noted.

Studio run inside the Eclipse framework.

Studio Artifacts in the ALDSP Perspective 
Artifact Purpose
Project Explorer Contains project artifacts including data services and their functions.
Properties editor
Contains read/write and read only properties associated with the selected artifact. For example a function may be set to public, protected, or private through its Properties editor.
Outline manager
Provides a scrollable view of your model, query, or update mapper. This is particularly useful in large projects since the work area may not be large enough to show all the artifacts.
The console appears whenever the server is accessed. 
Servers tab
Display the status of the ALDSP server which in turn provides clients with access to data services and their underlying data sources.
Problems tab Displays problems encountered by the project.
Error Log tab
Displays errors associated with the project.

The Windows > Show View menu option can be used to add additional windows to the perspective.

In addition, several ALDSP Perspective menu options are provided under:

File > New

These allow you to, first, create an ALDSP dataspace project and then to add various types of data services, models and web service mapper.

Document generated by Confluence on Apr 28, 2008 15:57